Find Online Therapy from Trained Therapists

Therapy and coaching should be accessible, convenient and comfortable. But limited local services and long waiting-lists prevent many getting the help they need. Heal From Away helps you find professionally trained and accredited online therapists and online coaching services, through web, phone and email, wherever you are.

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Our growing bank of therapists and coaches are ready to offer online and remote mental health support and guidance wherever you’re at – in life, in your head, in the world. As specialists in key areas, they are listed across eight categories:

  • Find compassionate support and evidence-based therapy for addiction, self-harm and eating disorders to help you overcome addiction, manage self-harm behaviours, and develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.

  • Discover effective therapy strategies for anxiety, depression and trauma. Cope with anxiety, lift the weight of depression, and heal from past traumas with the guidance of experienced therapists who specialise in these areas.

  • Unlock your full potential and achieve your personal and professional goals with Mental Health Coaching & Wellness Mentoring. with the support of skilled coaches who provide guidance, accountability, and motivation tailored to your unique needs.

  • Explore holistic approaches to mental well-being with Complementary & Alternative therapy including mindfulness, meditation, and other complementary therapies that complement traditional psychotherapy and counselling.

  • Learn practical techniques with therapy to manage stress & work, navigate workplace challenges, and achieve a healthy work-life balance with the help of experienced professionals who understand the demands of modern life.

  • Strengthen your relationships, improve communication, and navigate family dynamics with therapy for Relationships, family & children, including parenting challenges with the support of therapists who specialise in family and couples therapy, as well as child psychology.

  • Embrace and explore therapy in identity, culture and spirituality your identity, cultural background, and spiritual beliefs in a supportive and nonjudgmental environment, with therapists who honour and respect your unique journey.

  • Address the intersection of physical and mental health, with therapy for health and wellness and learn to manage chronic illnesses, disabilities, and other health-related challenges with compassionate support and practical coping strategies tailored to your needs.